Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Misfortune of Marion Palm by Emily Culliton⁠

✨Book Review✨⁠
The Misfortune of Marion Palm ⁠
by Emily Culliton⁠
I grabbed this galley at Book Expo 2017, thinking it sounded quirky and fun, but I just never got around to reading it. While reorganizing my shelves last week I thought I would move it to the top. I needed a silly story about a mother who embezzles from her daughters' private school and goes on the run. What I got was a pretty depressing story full of unlikeable characters. Don't get me wrong, I like unlikeable characters (that makes sense, right?) but there is not a single likable character in this novel to balance the scales. Before reading this novel I thought that maybe it didn't get a lot of attention because it was zany and unique, but after reading it I can see it's strangely anticlimactic in every way (storyline, character growth, etc). It's a dark-comedy, indie film version of "Where'd You Go, Bernadette?"...and not in a good way. The true misfortune of this novel is that it has great potential, but doesn't reach it. ⁠

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