Title: The Future Is Female! Vol. 2: The 1970s: More Classic Science Fiction Stories by Women
Author: by
Lisa Yaszek (Editor),
Sonya Dorman,
Kate Wilhelm,
Joanna Russ,
Miriam Allen deFord,
Vonda N. McIntyre,
James Tiptree, Jr.,
Kathleen Sky,
Ursula K. Le Guin,
Eleanor Arnason,
Kathleen M. Sidney,
Marta Randall,
Elinor Busby,
Raccoona Sheldon,
Pamela Sargent,
Joan D. Vinge,
M. Lucie Chin,
Lisa Tuttle,
Connie Willis
Publisher: Library of America
Release Date: 10.11.22
Publisher’s Summary
Go back to the Future Is Female in this all new collection of wildly entertaining stories by the trailblazing feminist writers who transformed American science fiction in the 1970s
In the 1970s, feminist authors created a new mode of science fiction in defiance of the “baboon patriarchy”—Ursula Le Guin’s words—that had long dominated the genre, imagining futures that are still visionary. In this sequel to her groundbreaking 2018 anthology The Future is Female!: 25 Classic Science Fiction Stories by Women from Pulp Pioneers to Ursula K. Le Guin, SF-expert Lisa Yaszek offers a time machine back to the decade when far-sighted rebels changed science fiction forever with stories that made female community, agency, and sexuality central to the American future.
Here are twenty-three wild, witty, and wonderful classics that dramatize the liberating energies of the 1970s:
Sonya Dorman, “Bitching It” (1971)
Kate Wilhelm, “The Funeral” (1972)
Joanna Russ, “When It Changed” (1972) NEBULA AWARD
Miriam Allen deFord, “A Way Out”(1973)
Vonda N. McIntyre, “Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand” (1973) NEBULA
James Tiptree, Jr., “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” (1973) HUGO AWARD
Kathleen Sky, “Lament of the Keeku Bird” (1973)
Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Day Before the Revolution” (1974) NEBULA & LOCUS AWARD
Eleanor Arnason, “The Warlord of Saturn’s Moons” (1974)
Kathleen M. Sidney, “The Anthropologist” (1975)
Marta Randall, “A Scarab in the City of Time” (1975)
Elinor Busby, “A Time to Kill” (1977)
Raccoona Sheldon, “The Screwfly Solution” (1977) NEBULA AWARD
Pamela Sargent, “If Ever I Should Leave You” (1974)
Joan D. Vinge, “View from a Height” (1978)
M. Lucie Chin, “The Best Is Yet to Be” (1978)
Lisa Tuttle, “Wives” (1979)
Connie Willis, “Daisy, In the Sun” (1979)
Story Locale:Include post-apocalyptic California; a dystopian convent; post-pandemic Earth; extraterrestrial human colonies; and more
My Review
I usually don't read short story collections, but this one really called to me. In the last few years, I have been really drawn to some early feminist science fiction like The Female Man (1975,) Native Tongue (1984,) Woman on the Edge of Time (1976,) and A Door into Ocean (1987). This collection gives bite-sized pieces to sample a variety of authors from the '70s and helped guide me in making some upcoming reading selections.