Friday, May 19, 2023

DNF Round UP



DNFs...they happen 🤷‍♀️

Here are my 6 latest DNFs and a bit about why I quit each book.

The Rachel Incident by Caroline O'Donoghue and The Adult by Bronwyn Fischer
Coming of age stories and stories of teenagers' struggles are not enjoyable to me anymore. Those times were so painful and reading about them is just too triggering for me. I need to be more aware that just because I relate to a summary, that does not equate into me wanting to immerse myself in those emotions for an entire book. If you are looking for queer coming of age stories, these might work for you.

The First Bright Thing by J.R. Dawson
I was expecting The Night Circus but got a bit of a jumbled X-Men vibe with all the time travel between WWI and WWII. This is a debut and I while it didn't hit quite right for me I will check out whatever this author writes next. 

The Overlooked Americans: The Resilience of Our Rural Towns and What It Means for Our Country by Elizabeth Currid-Halkett
I grew up in an extremely rural community and am always drawn toward books on the topic. The problem I found with this book is that it actually IS a book. While the author may have had massive amounts of research (almost 100 of the book's 400 pages are the appendix) I believe this would have worked much better as a condensed op-ed piece. 

Working Girl: On Selling Art and Selling Sex by Sophia Giovannitti
I was intrigued to hear an artist's thoughts on the overlapping spheres between her sex work and her art but also zoned out a bit. I loved reading this type of feminst theory in college but maybe because I've already discussed and debated the merits and pitfalls, I couldn't stay engaged with the text. 

Lucky Dogs by Helen Schulman
This novel is divided into 5 parts. I was just catching the flow of the story in part 1 and then part 2 makes a major detour to an entirely different timeline and writing style. Part 3 switched back to the first part's timeline, etc but I could only make it about halfway through before I quit. 

DNF Disclaimer
 I don't post my DNFs to deter you from picking up a title, I post them to give a more rounded look at my reading and reviewing style. Rather than simply quitting and moving on, I like to say a few words about why certain reads were not the right fit for me. Our reading experiences are all unique and every book won't be a winner for everybody. Keep in mind that just because these didn't work for me doesn't mean they won't work for you.


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