Tuesday, July 14, 2020

✨Book Review✨⁠ You Again by Debra Jo Immergut⁠

I received a gifted copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 

✨Book Review✨⁠
You Again by Debra Jo Immergut⁠
(7.7.20 from Ecco)⁠

How many times have you thought "I wish I could tell my younger self..."? 
Hindsight is always 20/20, and I would love to tell my younger self things like "he's not the one" or "ask for that raise" but those are all hypothetical mental conversations I have between my current and younger self. Now, consider if you stepped out of a cab and literally saw your younger self? You'd think your mind was playing tricks on you. What if your younger self started showing up in your daily life? Who would you tell? People would think you are crazy! This novel really did have me intrigued with the concept and I was very impressed with how the author brought big themes (art, antifa radicals) to the otherwise formulaic thriller of late (mid-life/identity crisis, marriage problems, affairs). I thought this novel was very smart and unique. My suggestion is to read this in a physical format or check to see if the finished e-format has a full table of contents because I wanted to flip back a few times to check the dates of different events. ⁠

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