Friday, February 9, 2018

Review: The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin

The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin releases  2/13/18 from Berkley 
*I received a complementary copy of this release in exchange for an honest review. I received no additional compensation**

Goodreads Summary:
A debut novel that pulses with humor and empathy and explores the heart's capacity for forgiveness...
Zadie Anson and Emma Colley have been best friends since their early twenties, when they first began navigating serious romantic relationships amid the intensity of medical school. Now they're happily married wives and mothers with successful careers--Zadie as a pediatric cardiologist and Emma as a trauma surgeon. Their lives in Charlotte, North Carolina are chaotic but fulfilling, until the return of a former colleague unearths a secret one of them has been harboring for years.

As chief resident, Nick Xenokostas was the center of Zadie's life--both professionally and personally--throughout a tragic chain of events in her third year of medical school that she has long since put behind her. Nick's unexpected reappearance during a time of new professional crisis shocks both women into a deeper look at the difficult choices they made at the beginning of their careers. As it becomes evident that Emma must have known more than she revealed about circumstances that nearly derailed both their lives, Zadie starts to question everything she thought she knew about her closest friend.

My Review:
This cover is so gorgeous. It's no wonder it is all over Bookstagram! While it was definitely what caught my eye, I was intrigued to read a book where the focus is on the friendship of two women...and to take it up a notch, two women doctors. I loved the banter and interactions between the two of them. Their dialogue was modern and realistic. My problem was that I kept getting the two women confused! I had to constantly stop and think "which one is this?" "Is she the trauma surgeon or the heart specialist?" "Who are her kids and husband?" I couldn't keep them separated. 


  1. Character confusion. Not a good sign.

  2. I agree with Judy there. I think the author wasn't entirely successful if she didn't give each of the women a voice of her own. Too bad, though as you said, the cover is gorgeous. ;-)


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