Title: Hands of Gold: One Man's Quest to find the Silver Lining in Misfortune
Author: Roni Robbins
Publisher: Amsterdam Publishers
Release Date: 2.4.22
Publisher's Summary
My Review
Title: Hands of Gold: One Man's Quest to find the Silver Lining in Misfortune
Author: Roni Robbins
Publisher: Amsterdam Publishers
Release Date: 2.4.22
Publisher's Summary
My Review
This year, move away from complex habits and constant busyness. Instead, focus on slowing down, becoming more mindful, and nurturing yourself. Learn to let go of productivity guilt and allow yourself the luxury of getting lost in the pages of a book. Here are two new releases to help you get started.
I Didn't Do the Thing Today: Letting Go of Productivity Guilt by Madeleine Dore (releasing January 11)
Do you struggle to complete a never-ending daily list of tasks? Do you push yourself to do more and more, but somehow no matter what you accomplish, you still feel disappointed and guilty at the end of the day? Do you think you should always be doing more because there is always more to do? Wondering how other people seemed to have it all figured out, Madeleine Dore spent five years interviewing people she admired in an attempt to uncover their secrets for being more productive, successful, and prolific. She learned there isn't a perfect recipe for getting things done, the ideal routine that maximizes every minute of the day is a myth, and constantly holding ourselves to unattainable daily standards is simply exhausting us. In I Didn't Do the Thing Today: Letting Go of Productivity Guilt, Dore shares many of the insights she gleaned from her interviews in order to help us stop comparing ourselves to others, to become more realistic about our expectations, and overcome our constant worry about wasted time. Letting go of your productivity guilt and embracing the unexpected creative moments that each day brings you can broaden your definition of a day well spent, bringing deep connection and fulfillment to your daily life.
Postcards: The Rise and Fall of the World's First Social Network by Lydia Pyne
In 1909 the United States Post Office was $17 million in debt ($483 million today,) primarily due to the immense and exponential drain on our nation's postal resources as Free Rural Delivery routes expanded. Amazingly, just two years later, the Post Office announced a profit of over $200,000 ($5.7 million today.) How? Postcards! The hundreds of millions of postcards Americans were sending during the Golden Age of Postcards (1905-1920) became a lifeline for the Post Office at a time when it desperately needed Americans to mail more items. In addition to learning how this small piece of mail saved the United States Post Office, Lydia Pyne's Postcards: The Rise and Fall of the World's First Social Network takes readers on a global journey through revolutions, social movements, scientific and technological discoveries, and sentimental personal connections. In addition to providing an all-encompassing look at the cultural and historical significance of postcards themselves, this book also examines the details of postcards as the first worldwide social network. The analog precedent to today's image-based photo-sharing platforms, the social network of postcards over a century ago, is equivalent to the short messages we currently consume each day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok. Postcards is both a marvelous, in-depth analysis of physical postcards and their circulation systems and a thought-generating look into how a version of almost everything you see on your current digital social media networks was first produced, composed, and mailed as a postcard.